Stuck in a rut?


// Sahara Dessert Camel Ride and Camping • Morocco • December, 2013 //



Are you living the rat race? Working 9-5, 5-9, always 'busy', spinning in circles, not sure what your purpose is?

Sick of it yet?

// Rock climbing • Morocco • Dec 2013 • //

// Rock climbing • Morocco • Dec 2013 • //

You know there's something else out there for you, right?

Something bigger. Something greater. Waiting for you to find it.


We all want to live a life full of purpose and meaning, but how many of us really are? It's been ingrained in us since childhood, that this is how life works:

Go to school,
Get good grades,
Get a job,
(with benefits),
Enjoy life.

How's that working out for you?
Do you love your job? I mean, really love it? Do you love your life?
Or do you so badly wish you had another job? Wish your life was more exciting?

If you do [love your job], that's wonderful! We're really, truly, genuinely HAPPY for you! Seriously! Because that's our whole goal here, is to help people find and create the life they love, the life they were created to live. Because for so many people...yeah, well, you know...they hate their job...they hate working for 'the man'...they hate reporting at 9 and getting told they can leave at 5. I mean, that is so 1980's.

But what if there was another way? So cliché, right? I know! But really!
We believe this is how life can work.

Create the life you want to live.

Do what makes you happy. Always.

Make a living doing what you love.
-with benefits-

Enjoy life. Always.


So if you're ready to

break out of

And start living the life you were created to live

Then stick around. We've got something for you.


// Field of Sunflowers • Sturgis, SD • Auguest, 2017 //

// Field of Sunflowers • Sturgis, SD • Auguest, 2017 //

You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.

— Warren Beatty



Answer these questions. Write it down. #1 Do I love my job?
If yes, stop here. If no, continue.
#2 What brings me joy? (hobbies/interests/talents).
#3 Am I going to dare myself to find/build a career doing what I love, what brings me joy?


You know there's something else out there for you, right? 

Living the rat race?

Working 9-5, 5-9, always 'busy', spinning in circles, not sure what your purpose is?


Sick of it yet?


Something bigger. Something greater. Waiting for you to find it.


If you're ready to

break out of

and ready to


// Live a Great Story Wall • Austin, TX • December, 2016 //

There's a lot to be said about this idea of living a great story. I'll leave it to this wall for now. I think it speaks for itself.


Then stick around.


// Debt Free Scream • Financial Peace University • Nashville, Tn • December, 2013 //

Hey guys! Brittain and Josh here and we are so stinkin' excited to finally be coordinating a Financial Peace University course! And one specifically for crazy folks like us - those of you who are already or want to live life full-time on the road. Yes. Full time!

Now, as you will see in the video, we hit the road in November of 2016 (blogs and photos comming...) and haven't looked back! But our experience doesn't start there. Josh is a former Ramsey employee where he worked as a financial counselor for 2+ years. And he's never had a lick of debt in his life!! Crazy, huh?? I know! I married a weird one! I had my fun with the Dave Ramsey team when I went around the world (in celebration of paying off my home!) and they created a four-part commercial series about the fun you can have traveling - when you're debt free!! Perhaps you've seen Brittain's World on the Dave Ramsey Channel?

Eighteen months into this journey and we are loving every moment of it. Even the ones where our heater breaks in freezing temps, rock shields unlatch on the highway and the passenger side a/c doesn't work in 100 degree temps. Yup. Good times are only the beginning.

So here we are now - ready to help others live the life they want to live and it starts with being debt free. We're here to help get you started.

So join us as we host FPU for you. Click here to get started and join the class.

Every Tuesday
April 24 - June 26
8-930pm CST
Online webinar/screen share

So what are you waiting for?

Get started here.


we've got something for ya.

We're Brittain + Josh

+ Lucy Bug the Airstream

Travel is our happy. And whatever

your happy is

We dare you to find it.

Do You dare yourself?