real work.
A friend once told me,
““You’re going to have to get a real job some day.””
// Preparing for 'work' at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally • Sturgis, SD, 2016 //
That was around 2014. True. Story! I couldn't believe it! And really I still can't. I just shrug it off though. Meh. Whatevs. Here's why.
My 'work' right about then.
event marketing
setting my own hours
choosing my own contracts
writing my life story
loving [most] every minute of what I do
Her work right about then. And still.
Working M-F, sometimes Sat
Showing up around 9a, leaving around 5p, 6p...
Taking a 'normal' lunch break. You know, the kind where you don't have enough time to stuff your face or even better, you eat at your computer and continue working. SMH!
Getting stuck in rush hour. Sometimes both ways.
Feeling so stressed and literally getting sick. Like hospitalized sick! (kinda like I did here)
What kind of work was I doing? The same kind of work I am now. Work that I love!
Work that made Royals fans happy. Shooting t-shirts from a gun while standing atop the dugout full of super attractive baseball players! Hello, can I get a #realjob?
Honing in on my public speaking skills (a very scary endeavor for me) while promoting a major brand at a Home and Garden show. #realjob
Ambushing an Usher concert to get an interview with Trey Songz! Do you know how many teenage girls would freakout about this? #realjob
Playing *eh hem Working around and talking to cool people about an electric car. Side note: My job included cross country travel and stays in real fancy hotels in major downtown cities. #realjob
The year is now 2018 and I have officially been writing my big girl, real job rules for 10+ years. I'd say I'm doing all right. My home is paid off, I'm married to a wonderful man, I've started my own business and the world is my front yard.
“Broke people giving financial advice is like a shop teacher with missing fingers.”
Oaky, so we're not exactly talking about money and shop here, but you get the point. Don't take advice from someone who has something you don't want.